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Ecological and Environmental Bureaus of each district, Municipal Environmental Law Enforcement Corps

发布时间:2023-08-03 19:58:44 来源: 德国森泉蓄电池
Ecological and Environmental Bureaus of each district, Municipal Environmental Law Enforcement Corps, Municipal Solidification Management Center, and relevant units:

Since the implementation of the "Shanghai Pilot Work Plan for Regional Collection and Transfer of Waste Lead Batteries" (Hu Huan Tu [2019] No. 110, hereinafter referred to as the "Shanghai Work Plan"), the efficiency of collection and transfer of waste lead batteries in the city has significantly improved, and the pilot work has achieved significant results. In order to implement the requirements of the Law of the China on the Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Wastes and the Implementation Plan of Shanghai Municipality on Strengthening the Reform of Hazardous Waste Supervision, Utilization and Disposal Capacity (HFBG [2022] No. 8), consolidate the results of the pilot work, further implement the extended producer responsibility system, and continue to improve the standardized collection rate of waste lead batteries, it is decided to continue to carry out the pilot work of waste lead batteries collection and transfer throughout the city, The relevant requirements are notified as follows:

1、 Solidly promoting pilot work

On the basis of the "Pilot Work Plan for Centralized Collection and Cross regional Transportation System of Lead Battery Production Enterprises" (Huanban Solid State [2019] No. 5) and the "Shanghai Work Plan", we will continue to carry out the pilot work for the collection and transportation of waste lead batteries, and the pilot period will be extended until December 31, 2025. The relevant management requirements of the existing pilot units remain unchanged, and enterprises outside the existing pilot units can apply for the collection and transportation of waste lead batteries in accordance with the requirements of the Shanghai Work Plan and the Shanghai 14th Five Year Plan for the Construction of Hazardous Waste Supervision, Utilization and Disposal Capacity. During the pilot period, if the country introduces relevant policies, they will be implemented according to the new national policies.

2、 Strictly carry out audit and certificate replacement

The existing pilot units should refer to the "Shanghai Work Plan" and relevant regulations on the extension of license expiration, and handle the license extension procedures through the "One Network Connection" before July 31, 2023. For existing pilot units that meet the conditions of the Shanghai Work Plan, our bureau will issue a new "Hazardous Waste Collection and Operation License" according to regulations. Until the renewal of the business license on July 31, 2023, existing pilot units can continue to carry out waste lead battery collection and operation activities according to the approved scale of the original hazardous waste business license.

3、 Implement management requirements

Each pilot unit should strictly implement the requirements of the Shanghai Work Plan, and the standardized recycling rate of waste lead batteries should reach 60% by the end of 2025. The summary report of the pilot work for that year should be submitted to the Municipal Solidification Management Center before December 10 of each year.

Each pilot unit should optimize the collection system of waste lead batteries, scientifically and reasonably arrange collection points, establish adjustment mechanisms for the entry and exit of collection points, strengthen the management of centralized storage sites, and strictly implement the management requirements for the classification and stacking of Class I and Class II waste lead batteries in accordance with the requirements of the "Technical Specification for Pollution Control of Waste Lead Battery Treatment" (Hj 519) and the "Pollution Control Standard for Hazardous Waste Storage" (GB 18597), Implement measures to prevent battery short circuits and fires.

All pilot units should strengthen the transfer management of waste lead batteries, establish and improve the collection and transfer account of waste lead batteries, and comprehensively run the Electron transfer manifest of hazardous wastes. Effective packaging measures should be taken when transporting waste lead batteries. Damaged waste lead batteries should be placed in corrosion-resistant containers, and necessary measures should be taken to prevent wind, rain, leakage, and scattering. The transportation exemption management of waste lead batteries shall be implemented in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National Hazardous Waste Catalogue (2021 Edition).

4、 Strengthen supervision and management

The Municipal Solidification Management Center should strengthen the supervision and management of each pilot unit in accordance with the requirements of the pilot work plan, evaluate the progress of the collection and transportation work of the pilot unit in the current year before the end of December each year, and urge enterprises to rectify any problems found in a timely manner. The ecological and environmental departments of each district should refer to the management requirements of hazardous waste generating units and strengthen environmental supervision of collection points. The ecological and environmental law enforcement departments of the city and district should work together with public security, transportation and other departments to increase the crackdown on illegal collection, reselling, utilization and disposal of waste lead batteries and other environmental violations. Those suspected of committing crimes should be promptly transferred to judicial authorities for investigation and punishment in accordance with the law.


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