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The new installed capacity of domestic energy storage is classified by technology and distributed in

发布时间:2023-08-08 21:46:34 来源: 德国森泉蓄电池
The new installed capacity of domestic energy storage is classified by technology and distributed in four major echelons

As of the end of 2021, China's newly added electric energy storage capacity continued to maintain rapid growth in 2021, with a new operating scale of 10.5GW, a year-on-year increase of 220%. The most newly added energy is pumped storage, with a single unit scale of over 100MW, accounting for about 79% of the annual installed capacity, ranking first in the tier. Next are lithium-ion batteries, compressed air energy storage, liquid flow batteries, lead acid batteries, and heat and cold storage technologies, with a single unit capacity of 10-100MW, ranking in the second tier. The third tier includes sodium ion batteries, flywheel energy storage, and supercapacitors. Currently, the single unit capacity has reached the MW level, with sodium ion development receiving the most attention and may enter the second tier in the future. The fourth tier involves new energy storage technologies such as liquid metal, metal ion batteries, and water-based batteries, which require further research and development to achieve integrated release and industrial application as soon as possible.

Chinese energy storage enterprises mainly include three categories: energy storage technology providers, energy storage PCS providers, and energy storage system integrators.

Different types and characteristics of energy storage technology

Energy storage technology is a technology that stores energy through devices or physical media for future use when needed. According to different types of technology, the energy storage methods that release electrical energy are mainly divided into mechanical energy storage, electromagnetic energy storage, and electrochemical energy storage. The application forms of mechanical energy storage include pumped storage, compressed air energy storage, and flywheel energy storage; The application forms of electromagnetic energy storage include supercapacitor energy storage and superconducting energy storage; Electrochemical energy storage mainly includes lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries, and flow batteries.

Different energy storage technologies have different characteristics, including response time, discharge duration, comprehensive efficiency, and corresponding technological maturity and application scenarios. Different energy storage technology routes have both advantages and disadvantages, but they do not affect their "blooming". With the proposal of carbon peak and carbon neutrality goals, the energy storage industry has entered a fast lane of development and become an important support for building a new type of power system.

Pumped Storage: As a major country in pumped storage, China has entered a peak period of development

Pumped storage is a large-scale energy storage method that involves energy storage through the conversion of electrical energy to water potential energy. Pumped storage is the process of converting electrical energy into the potential energy of upstream reservoir water during low electricity consumption periods, and converting the potential energy of water into electrical energy through a hydroelectric generator during peak electricity consumption periods. The total amount of energy stored is proportional to the drop and volume of the reservoir.

Pumped storage power stations have a history of 140 years since their inception in 1882. China began the construction of pumped storage power stations in the 1960s and 1970s. During the 12th and 13th Five Year Plans, in order to adapt to the rapid development of new energy and ultra-high voltage power grids, the development of pumped storage energy has reached a new peak. As of the end of 2020, the installed capacity of pumped storage in operation worldwide was 172.5 million kilowatts, of which China's installed capacity of pumped storage reached 31.49 million kilowatts, accounting for over 18%, ranking first in the world.

Pumped storage: mature technology but limited construction, demand and electricity pricing mechanisms are the main factors restricting development

Pumped storage is currently the largest (GW level) energy storage technology, with the most mature technology, the longest service life (about 50a), and the best economic efficiency (cost per kilowatt hour of electricity is 0.21-0.25 yuan/kWh). This low absorption and high generation energy storage mode is mainly applied in situations such as peak shaving and valley filling, frequency modulation and phase modulation, emergency backup, and black start of the power grid. It can achieve "water light complementarity", effectively regulate the dynamic balance of the power system, and improve the comprehensive operating efficiency of the power grid system by 70% to 85%.

Based on its mature technology, multiple cycles, long service life, and low losses, the cost advantage of pumped storage power stations is relatively large. However, the total amount of pumped storage energy resources is limited, the selection of station sites is limited by geographical conditions, the construction period is long, and the investment cost is increasing year by year. The demand and electricity price mechanism are the main factors restricting the development of pumped storage.

Flywheel energy storage: in the development stage, and future applications require breakthroughs

Among the current energy storage technologies suitable for large-scale commercial operation, flywheel energy storage has comprehensive advantages such as high power density, fast charging and discharging response speed, long service life, large discharge depth, no environmental pollution, low operating cost, and low safety risk, making it very suitable for fast and high-power charging and discharging applications.

From the current development of flywheel energy storage technology, most of the flywheel energy storage applications in the Chinese market are pilot products, with few mature operating products, low operating power, extremely short backup time, and some technical performance needs to be further improved. There is an urgent need for innovation and breakthroughs in system capacity, conversion rate, service life, security, and other aspects. At the same time, the commercialization of flywheel energy storage still faces problems such as high costs, lack of price incentive policies, immature technical routes, and a lack of technical specifications and access standards.

Compressed air energy storage: The promotion of new technologies has significantly improved efficiency and established conditions for large-scale commercialization

The compressed air energy storage system is a system that uses high-pressure air pressure energy as the form of energy storage and generates electricity through the expansion of high-pressure air when needed. The efficiency improvement space of traditional compressed air energy storage systems is very limited. Domestic and foreign scholars have developed various new types of compressed air energy storage technologies by using methods such as optimizing thermal cycles on the basis of traditional compressed air energy storage. The promotion of new technologies has significantly improved efficiency, and the efficiency and cost have been comparable to pumped storage, forming the conditions for large-scale commercialization.

At present, the main new types of compressed air energy storage systems mainly have three new technological paths: thermal storage compressed air energy storage (TS-CAES), liquid compressed air energy storage system (LAES), and supercritical compressed air energy storage system (SC-CAES).

Lithium ion batteries: currently the main technological route in energy storage applications, occupying an absolute dominant position

Lithium ion batteries have a high energy density, long cycle life, high efficiency, and fast response speed, making them the main technical route in energy storage applications. Since 2015, lithium-ion batteries have dominated the energy storage market. From the proportion of new energy storage installed technologies in 2022, lithium-ion battery energy storage technology accounts for 94.2%, still in an absolute dominant position.

In terms of species, ternary lithium such as iron phosphate (LFP) and nickel manganese cobalt (NMC) account for over 75%. Lithium iron phosphate batteries have high energy density, long cycle life, low self-discharge rate, high energy conversion rate, fast charging and discharging, no need for maintenance, low cost, and long lifespan, and have become the mainstream route in China, with strong economic benefits.

Sodium ion batteries: With the characteristics of low cost and abundant resources, future industrialization is the trend

Sodium ion batteries work on the same principle as lithium-ion batteries and are an important supplement to lithium-ion batteries. Its upstream resource reserves are abundant and cheap, and its production process is similar to lithium-ion batteries, with a production cost about 35% lower than lithium-ion batteries. At present, it is still in the mass production stage and has the characteristics of low cost, abundant resources, good low-temperature performance, and good rate performance. The important performance indicators such as energy density and charge discharge efficiency mentioned need to be verified. At present, China has launched multiple demonstration zones for the production and manufacturing of sodium ion battery materials and cells, and mass production is continuously advancing. The production process of sodium ion batteries is similar to that of lithium-ion batteries, with replicable technology and equipment migration. The industrialization of sodium ions is expected to be further advanced.

Hydrogen fuel cells: Against the backdrop of carbon neutrality, the development trend is improving and the commercialization prospects are broad

Hydrogen fuel cells are power generation devices that directly convert the chemical energy of hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy. The basic principle is the reverse reaction of electrolyzing water, which supplies hydrogen and oxygen to the anode and cathode respectively. Hydrogen diffuses outward through the anode and reacts with the electrolyte, releasing electrons to reach the cathode through an external load. In the context of achieving carbon neutrality, the development of hydrogen energy has become a necessary path to achieve energy strategic transformation.

Hydrogen fuel cells, due to their rich sources of fuel gas, high efficiency, noise free, and pollution-free advantages, will make significant contributions to energy conservation and ecological environment protection in the future. They are currently the key research technology for power generation in various countries.

Electromagnetic energy storage: still in the early stage of technological development

The application forms of electromagnetic energy storage are divided into supercapacitor energy storage and superconducting energy storage. It is still in the early stage of technological development and has the disadvantage of high cost.

Supercapacitor energy storage: Due to its outstanding characteristics of high power and high reliability, supercapacitors are suitable for high-power, short-term, and high-frequency energy storage fields. However, low energy density and high energy storage costs are the two major factors limiting their application scope. In the future, technological progress, cost reduction, and policy driven triple benefits are expected to jointly promote the rapid growth of the supercapacitor market.

Superconductive energy storage: Superconductive magnetic energy storage has enormous development potential, but faces challenges in terms of technical feasibility and economic value.

Evaluation index system for the development and implementation of energy storage technology

According to the research of Yiou Think Tank, the evaluation index system for the development and implementation of energy storage technology revolves around three major evaluation dimensions: technical characteristic indicators, economic characteristic indicators, and industrialization capacity indicators, with 12 sub indicators for evaluation.

Market Scan of Energy Storage Technology Development and Implementation Applications

Scan the energy storage technology market from two dimensions of technology progressiveness and application landing, based on segmentation indicators. Currently, China's energy storage technology enterprises are mainly divided into three categories: strength leading enterprises, stable development enterprises, and potential development enterprises.

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